The picture displayed above is of a man injecting himself with the something and another man connected to him who appears to look like Jesus.In the picture the man wears a black tee while the other man is draped in a white robe. In the background there is alcoholic beverages an ash tray and a gun. In the very back on the door there also appears to be a handprint and on the table  adjacent from that there is a skull. overall the picture is does not include very bright colors but instead neutral such as white black and browns.(I could not find the artist name nor the title of this piece)
In this piece I do not see any repetition of shapes but I do notice that he uses repetition colors. He uses repetition in the colors by using dark or dull colors to create a sort of depressing background. The overall qualities of the work are amazing.
I believe that through this piece the artist is trying to say Jesus takes the pain away. I also believe that he is trying to say jesus loves everyone because although he has alcohol,ciggarettes and a gun in the background Jesus still  decides to take the pain away for him. I also believe the artist is trying to say when you hurt yourself you are hurting god because he cares for you so much.
I believe that the artist successfully interrelates the parts of the artwork. I think that the artist did a very god job on making the message behind this piece easy to interperet for anyone.This artwork has a very powerful meaning behind it and I am moved by it.


  1. Great critique, I would only add that you should divide paragraphs with a space and/or indentation. Wonderful insight


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